ARDEM Data Services Private Limited

Company Overview

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  • Founded 1978

Company Description

When I arrived at JFK in 1978, the airline had lost my baggage. I literally came to this country with only the clothes on my back. My experience of developing through school in New York and Ohio and subsequently working for large corporations for 20+ years, set the stage for the launch of ARDEM Incorporated in 2004. The mantras were simple: a) Work hard b) Do Your Best c) Try, Try Again d) Do It Now. These I had learned from my father as a young boy.

Thus when I started ARDEM Incorporated from the study in my home (sorry, not the garage), the guiding principles for ARDEM were the same. We are always going to work hard and remember that our paychecks come from happy customers who should always get the very best solution that we can deliver. We will always be persistent in our efforts for continuous improvement and we will always deliver on our commitments, on time.

Our first customer order was for the scan conversion of 5 large drawings for one hundred dollars. We have grown since then. This year we will scan around 12-15 million pages. We will key data from roughly 5 million forms. We will process public opinion surveys from over 100 cities and townships across the country. We work for big names, small businesses, and independent consultants. ARDEM Incorporated provides document scanning services and data entry services to Bio-Medical, Financial, Insurance, Healthcare and Retail businesses across the country. We have been awarded a GSA contract for Document Conversion Services by the federal government adding the US Army, Veterans Administration, Department of Interior and National Institute of Health to our list of clients.

We believe that every call should be answered by a person rather than an endless voice messaging system. We believe customers come to us looking for a solution and it is our job to offer them the best solution we can within their target budget and within their time requirements. We believe in treating everyone fair. At ARDEM, we believe in being a positive contributor to our community and to our environment.